Friday, August 16, 2013

Yo man, enuf of Facebook, switch over to Ditchbook!

After all these years of wanting to write a blog, I finally found time to create one.  True that I have a compelling reason,  "No more Facebooking."

If you want to know why FB started annoying me, then here you go; the ones that made it to the top five. 

#5  Overuse the new “What are you doing?” bar and share every feeling that your brain transmits. Are you feeling fat? Hungry? Sick? (each followed by a series of emoticons)  
Thanks for the info. I couldn't care less. Do you seriously think the 499 of your other so called "friends" care either?

#4  "Like" every single thing that's posted out there.  Your niece says she's been watching 4 movies back to back, you like it.  Your nephew poses at a night club, you like it.  His status says, "Down with typhoid".  And you like it.
Say it with me: Ugh!  This doesn't make you the "good" Aunt!

#3  “I’m a traveler, a fitness freak, a lover, a trekker, a swimmer, a cyclist .”
Come on, I don't just Internet-know you, I real-know you.  Seriously, a fitness freak, my dear roomie?? ;-)

#2  Spam FB with messages for your husband, who's just 10 feet away from you. "The best birthday ever, with my sweet hubby taking me out for a surprise dinner and gifting me a teddy bear.  I thank the good lord for giving me such a wonderful person.  Thank you so much dear; I had a wonderful evening".  
I mean, really?  Do you have to post this on your wall, when you can actually turn around and tell him.  And FYI... your honeymoon pictures are only for YOU!

And finally, topping the list - 
#1  “Facebook’s new layout sucks!” “Twitter takes forever to load!” “Instagram is getting boring by the day.”
So, um, why are you still on them? :-)

So, here's me wanting to switch over to a "Ditchbook" Start by making friends with the whole world and unfriend them as you go!

P:S: - For those of you who don't know me in person, I'm no sad sack, the internet is a happy place for me. FB can be a happy place too, if you remember this, 
* You get what you give.  The Old Testament rule applies.
* Beware of silent stalkers.  You know how I found one?  When he accidentally had my name as his status, when he should have used the Search box above. 

 But all this apart, Happy Posting, guys!

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